Monday, April 25, 2011

The Plan.

Beautiful Hibiscus flowers in our back yard

Hope you all had a great weekend!!!  I've got school in a few hours but I thought now would be a great time to let everyone know just exactly what I plan to do with my backyard.

  • Plant:
    • Tomatoes--you can't compare the tastes of homegrown and store-bought.
    • Bell Peppers--I hear they are finicky and if you don't nurture them properly they will be very bitter, I already bought seeds for them but perhaps I should have started with small plants like my tomatoes.
    • Sunflowers--my favorite flower; I think I'm going to get orange ones for an even better pop of color.
    • Misc: green onion, chives, and basil and parsley.  It'll be good to have around.
  • Plant something decorative.
    • Maybe a jasmine tree or bougainvillea plant?
  • Plant a fruit tree or two.
    •   Perhaps a lemon, orange, peach or avocado tree? Something that produces a lot, easy to maintain and tastes especially wonderful when its home-grown.
  • Replenish the grass.
    •  I have so many brown patches it looks terrible.  My goal is for the backyard to look lush.  I'm not going to do anything crazy, just simply buy some seeds and throw them on the soil.
  • Plant some ground cover/plants/bushes/flowers.
    •   When my sunflowers die out I want to plant something along the gate.  We're trying to figure that out.  I think we're going to do tropical, but then again something that is drought resistant may be a good idea given California is going through a drought.  Did I mention we want it to look lush? Assuming my sunflowers live throughout most of the summer, this will be one of my last projects.
I'm going to plant my tomatoes very soon as they look like they need a more room.  I'm planting mostly everything else in little pots/crates for now just to make sure they actually sprout before I plant them in the ground.  I actually have a nice little patch of dirt near that brick fence (after taking out a large/dying bush), so I might add more as I see fit.

Thanks to Crafty Gardener for letting me know about gardening communities!  I'm going to check it right after I hit the publish button.  It's nice knowing that there is a little community out there on the internet.  I love seeing what everyone else has to offer.

Be sure to follow me and see where this project goes. And if you've been wanting to start a garden, join me! If I can do it, so can you.


  1. Hi Anya, found you on Blotanist. You've got a great site to work with, I started following you today to watch your upcoming changes, come on by mine when you have time.

  2. Hi Cher, you've got a great blog going on. Thank you for checking mine out as well. Take care!

  3. You have a developed a nice plan for your garden. I am looking forward to seeing the photos. Welcome to Blotanical!

  4. Looking forward to seeing your garden grow!
